Requesting/changing an Acumatica account


Submit a ticket for an Acumatica account (new or changes to security roles)

  1. Reference this Knowledge Base article to determine what level of access you are requesting:
  2. Submit a ticket for Acumatica access here:
  3. Once your access is approved, you will be notified.  Follow the procedure below to activate your accounts.  


Create your Active Directory Integrated Login with Acumatica (Single Sign-On)

  1. Navigate to the Intranet and click on the Acumatica Blue box on the right side of the home page.  
    1. The following box will appear.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. Verify the System you are creating the account for:
    1. PILOT is the test and development system.
    2. WSLH is the production system.
    3. DO NOT enter a Username or Password!
    4. Click the Active Directory box with the diamond at the bottom of the screen (outlined in red above).
    5. If you need access to both systems, follow the procedure twice.
  3. If your account request was successful, you will get the following error message:
  4. The red text explains that you successfully connected to the system but there are no active security roles available to you (this is by design).
  5. Update the TeamDynamix ticket letting us know you have successfully registered your account with the active directory system. 
  6. You will be notified when your account is active.