Popular Services

Can't find what you're looking for? Submit a general request.

Submitting Requests or Problems for all other Enterprise Software

Request assistance, service, or supplies

Schedule to have an instrument PC hard drive image taken.

Request assistance with an issue on a desktop PC

Beaker, Reference Lab Billing, and other Epic Vendor Applications

This service request is intended for critical functions not working. For example, unable to login, security or access issues. Use this for any issue needing to be resolved that day. If this is not critical, please go to the Admin Software Support > OnBase Service Catalog (https://wslh.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/2042/Port...

This is for requesting a PC for a new instrument or instrument PC upgrade.

Automated Backup of instrument data

Request a move of WSLH computer hardware

Your Active Directory (AD) account is the account you use to sign into WSLH computers.

Any other request not listed

Interfacing any laboratory instrument to a LIMS

Set up audio and video equipment for a local group meeting, and record meeting
Local Audience Group Meeting Audio, Video and Record

Request restoration of a file that was overwritten or deleted

This service is to request new or replacement computer peripherals including, but not limited to: Keyboard, mouse, bar code scanner, speakers, USB extension cables, network hub, etc.