TeamDynamix Service Desk offers both a library of Knowledge Base articles and a catalog of Services.
Follow this link to watch a helpful video of these features in action.
The simplest way to use the TeamDynamix app is to search for your interest or need.

The search will show you a list of both Knowledge Base articles and Services related to your request.
- If a Knowledge Base article exists for your issue, you may be able to resolve the problem more quickly by yourself.
- If you need to contact the Service Desk, you will likely find a Service Request that matches your need. These request forms are customized to have you provide the information OIS will need to help you. The more information you can provide with the initial form, the more quickly OIS can address your request.
When you want to know how to do something like update your password, try the TeamDynamix Knowledge Base (KB).

Knowledge Base articles are provided to help users learn more about the systems and offer guidance on how to resolve many issues without needing to wait for OIS support.
In the TeamDynamix Search Results, KB articles are listed by Title with a brief summary of the content. Articles are listed with services, but they can be distinguished by the first word under the title. Many times an article offers suggestions on how to resolve a certain issue and may also include a shortcut to a Service Request if you require OIS support.
If you require assistance from OIS for something like changing a user account or you need to report a problem like a broken keyboard, you can create a Service Request to open a ticket in TeamDynamix.

Because the Service Catalog is extensive, it is broken down by catagories and often subcatagories to help you navigate to the appropriate Service Request... or you can use Search.

When you have selected a Service Request, click the red Request Services button on the right side of the page. If you do not find a good fit for your service request, there is a General Ticket Request option at the bottom of each catagory list.

Fill out all the fields on the form - a red asterix ( * ) denotes required fields. Help text is often available for each field by selecting the question mark next to the field title. Be sure to provide any additional details in the Description field.

Finally, click the red Request button at the bottom of the form to submit your ticket to OIS.
TeamDynamix gathers all your tickets on the Tickets Request page which is accessed from the View My Tickets button.

Selecting each ticket, you can view its status and any comments. You can add your own comments, questions, and even upload attachments. Also, you can withdraw a ticket if the problem has been resolved.
Some additional things to note:
You should not put PHI (Protected Health Information) into a Service Desk ticket or comments.
When accessing TeamDynamix from a PC on the WSLH network, you will be automatically logged in.
TeamDynamix is a web-based application hosted by TeamDynamix so the address in your web browser will show This means much of the system is viewable from outside of WSLH’s network, but tickets can only be entered and viewed from within the WSLH network.
While the system is starting out with over 70 custom service requests and many Knowledge Base support articles, OIS will be adding more each week. By using Search, you will discover these new services as they become available.