Local Computer Files Location

Tags Local Files

Files, folders and shortcuts on your computer desktop and anywhere on your local C:\ drive are not backed up. If your computer hard drive dies, these items maybe lost forever. OIS recommends that you only put shortcuts on your desktop to files that are stored on one of the file server shares like K:\, M:\ or O:\

Desktop items:

Files, folders and Shortcuts are located at C:\user\username\Desktop\

They can be copied to K:\Desktop\ or save them to an appropriate location on the network if they are work related files.

Is your local saved file a critical file? Your file needs to be on a network drive. Create a desktop shortcut to the file you are working on. If not critical, then risking the loss of the file that you place on your desktop would be fine. (Something you can easily download or create again.)

Pictures / Music / Videos / Documents:

Other default Local file save locations you may want to look at:

Saved pictures default to C:\Users\username\Pictures\

Saved music default to C:\Users\username\Music\

Saved videos default to C:\Users\username\Videos\

Saved Documents default to C:\Users\username\Documents\ 

PC Replacement

Files can be temporarily copied to K:\Pictures\ (Music, Videos or Documents) or a personal USB thumb drive while a PC is being replaced and then moved back to the replaced PC. Please check that these are still needed and that they are not too large. We do not allow keeping copies of personal photos, music, videos, etc. on any network drives. Make sure to DELETE non-work or duplicate files from the K: drive when you are done.

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