Initial Setup of Outlook 2021

After a PC is replaced, there's a good chance that it will now have Office 2021. Here are the steps each user will need to take when starting Outlook 2021 for the first time on those PCs. Please see the attached document for a graphical view of the screens during these steps.

1. In the Windows Start menu, choose “Outlook” NOT “Outlook (new).”

2. At the “Your privacy matters” screen, click “Close.”

3. In the “Outlook” window, enter YOUR full WSLH email address. Then, click “Connect.”

4. In the “Advanced setup” window, click Exchange.

5. In the “Microsoft Outlook” window, enter your WSLH account password. CheckRemember my credentials.” Click OK.

6. On the last page, UNCHECKSet up Outlook Mobile on my phone, too.” Then click “Done.”

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