Status - Definition
New - Ticket has been received and will be reviewed by OIS personnel within 2 business days. Emergencies or urgent requests require a call to the service desk.
Open - Ticket is currently being reviewed by OIS personnel and will be moved to In-Process once we have all the required information and resources. If OIS requires additional information or clarity, the ticket will be updated and its status set to Waiting on Customer.
In-Process - Ticket is currently assigned and is being worked on by OIS personnel.
Waiting on Customer - The ticket is placed in this status when the person requesting the service has a task to complete (Testing, Validation, etc.) or additional information is needed by the OIS staff member to continue working on the ticket. If the ticket is delayed for an extended period, the status will be changed to On Hold as agreed upon by the requester and the OIS staff member.
On Hold - Tickets placed in the On Hold status have pertinent information attached to them but the requester and the OIS staff member agree that the ticket cannot be worked at this time and will be placed on hold for a prescribed agreed upon period. Work will continue and/or be re-evaluated once the hold time has passed.
Resolved - Tickets are placed in Resolved when the work has been completed by OIS but additional validation is needed by the requester. Once validation is complete the ticket status will be set to Closed. If testing or validation does not succeed, the ticket will be reverted back to another more appropriate status.
Closed - This status is used to complete a ticket. The work was completed and no additional validation or further action is required for this ticket.
Cancelled - This status is used when a ticket is no longer needed (circumstances changed). The requester can move the status to cancelled.