Drive Letters

This is a description of some of the standard drive letters that you may see. Individual users, accounts and computers will vary 

Local Drives:

C: Primary hard drive on your local PC. This is not backed up 

H: Local CD/DVD drive if PC has one.

Network Drives: Available on any WSLH PC you log into

  • Access to the various network locations are controlled by group permissions of the account
  • Talk to your supervisor if you have problems accessing a location on the network that you need for work
  • They will submit a Service Desk ticket requesting access for you
  • Be sure to provide your Supervisor with the entire path name

K:  Your Home directory share. 

  • Only you have access to your home directory  
  • For work that you do here at the lab that doesn't need to be shared with anyone else. (Performance reviews, copies of HR forms...)
  • Remember this is a State organization and follows their rules

L:  Associated with the software share on the server

  • Maybe used directly; in which case your individual training by your department will go into details on its use 
  • Maybe used indirectly and shortcuts will run from there. or not at all 

M: - Location for division and departmental specific files.

  • For files specific to your Division, Section and Department
  • Based on you permissions groups, you may have various Read, Write or Modify access to specific folders and files
  • Not designed for instrument data.

O: Think of "O" as the "Organizational" drive

  • Files that are shared with multiple departments across the Lab
  • Forms used across the lab
  • Organizational Charts
  • Team folders

 Your department may have special drive letters it uses outside of the standard mapping. See Drive Mapping