In this article you'll be shown how to identify and generate a list of documents to include all the information you need in your list by...
- Locating the list of documents you want, (slides 4-6)
- Selecting and extracting document metadata to an external file (slide 7)
- Managing the file appropriately as a spreadsheet once created (slide 8)
Things to consider:
- CSV Generated Lists can be created from any list of documents in OnBase:
- Retrieval
- Custom Query
- Keyword searches
- Full Text searches from the Home tab
- lists provided in Workflow
- APPROVED USERS can use any of these to generate lists.
- This article provides steps for Retrieval but similar steps can be used with any other list access point we’ve indicated.
Note: If you are unable to create a document list or click on Generate CSV File, you may not have permission to execute this operation and need to consult your supervisor to get approval. Currently, only staff with Approval Level permissions have access to this feature.
Below is a brief step-by-step guide. Attached, in the box to the right of this article, is a voice-guided PowerPoint with a more in-depth guide and walk-through.
Steps by step:
- Go to the document tab or document retrieval (eyeglass icon).
- Under document retrieval to the left, select PPP (Polices, Plans and Procedures) from the drop down, select the desired document type, add any key words and click Find.
- Select the files for the excel spreadsheet, right click on any and click on Generate CSV File.
- Note: Shift and Ctrl buttons can be used for selecting multiple documents quickly.
- For the window that pops up:
- Select the radio button that decides if all or only selected documents found should be included.
- For columns and keywords it is suggested to select all possibly needed, it is easier to delete on the spreadsheet rather than repeating this process.
- Under Save to File, select the blue folder to pick a location for this spreadsheet, name it and click on save.
- Make sure the check box Launch Associated Application is checked.
- Select Generate.
- Note: As stated earlier, if generate is greyed out contact your supervisor.
- An Excel file will be generated.
- Recommended steps:
- Save the file as spreadsheet (.XLSX) rather than comma separated values (.CSV).
- Insert a top row to include a title and note the date/time the list was generated.