Password Safe

Password Safe Instructions for WSLH

  • Password Safe allows users to store all passwords in a single “safe” (password database), or to create multiple databases for different purposes (e.g., one for work, one for personal use). Each database is independent and can be moved and used on different systems, as long as the same version of Password Safe is installed. Databases are encrypted with an encryption key derived from the master password (the master password, however, is not kept in the database in any form). 
    • Basic usage information available from our Intranet
    • We ask that you follow the instructions and save it on your K Drive. That way it will be accessible on any workstation at the lab that you might use.
    • Password safe is free and available for personal use on home computer, USB drive and cell phones as well.

LastPass Enterprise - Is now available as a UW licensed software

NOTE: Information Systems won’t be able to help you if you forget your password to your password safe.