Transfer File(s) to/from a USB Drive

This document explains how copy or paste files to and from your computer to a USB Thumb (also referred to as jump drives or flash drives).

To use a USB thumb drive just insert the drive into an available USB port on your computer. They are directional so they only fit one way so if it doesn't fit, try turning it around.

  • At the Identify Finder Endpoint Watcher prompt, "Removable Storage Detected," click "Cancel."
  • When the computer recognizes the device it may open a pop-up asking you what to do with the content on the drive. Usually you will want to choose "Open folder to view files". This will open the contents of the drive in an Explorer window.
  • From here, you can move or copy files and folders just like you would from any other drive.
  • When you are done using the drive, close any files from the device that you have open.
  • There should be an icon on the bottom right of the screen that is shaped like an upward pointing USB drive with a green checkmark by it. If you allow your mouse pointer to hover over it, it will have a pop-up labeled "Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media".
  • If you left-mouse click that icon it will give you a list of drives that are connected. Click on the drive that you want to disconnect. Wait for the balloon "Safely Remove Hardware."
  • If it states the drive is busy, you may have a file open form the drive, or the anti-virus software may still be scanning the drive. Close your open file or wait for the scan to complete.
  • If you only had one drive connected, the icon will go away and you can safely remove your USB drive.