Ag Drive 214-E "Fishbowl" AV System Instructions

The Ag Drive Conference Room 214E "Fishbowl" has permanent meeting conferencing equipment set up for staff usage. See the attached documents for quick reference. If you need additional assistance using the hardware, please contact the Service Desk at 221-6262.

1. To initiate the system, touch the screen and system

2. Once system starts up, user can choose a presentation / web conference or an audio conference by touching
“Presentation/Web Conference” or “Audio Conference.”

3. There are three sources to choose:
- Computer / Web Conference: This option allows for full web conference utilizing the in-room Keyboard and mouse
- Laptop HDMI: Personal laptop connected to HDMI cable for a local presentation
- Barco Wireless: Allow user to wirelessly connect to system for a local presentation

4. Source program volume controls via lower icons where user can increase, decrease, or mute the program audio.

5. To return to the home page for other options, select the home icon at the top.

6. To begin an Audio Conference, choose the Audio Conference icon.

7. In an audio conference user will utilize the touch panel to dial and make calls. Incoming volume call be adjusted up, down, or mute on left. Source program volume can be adjusted up, down, or mute on bottom.

8. This room's VoIP system is not capable of calling out to more than one phone number simultaneously. If originating multi-connection conference calls, must use WebEx or Skype. Fishbowl Incoming: (608) 224-3805

9. Privacy mute can be selected anytime the system is on, this mutes all the outgoing microphone audio. The microphone in the room will have green lights while privacy mute is off, then if privacy mute is active the lights turn red.
Note: Simple timer in bottom right which can be used to remind user of time spent during a meeting or a call.

10. When finished using the PC, Log off the PC in the Windows Start menu. Do not shut down the PC.

11. On the Crestron panel, tap Shutdown in the upper right corner. Here there are two choices.
     1. To turn off only the display to hide content but still utilize the rest of the system ie: mic and speakers, under Display, tap Off.
     2. When completely finished with the room’s equipment, under “Shutdown the system?” simply tap Yes Shutdown.
     Place the Crestron panel back on the charger. It should ding when placed correctly, and display “Charging.”

Questions / Support: WSLH Service Desk Line 221-6262