Locked (Secure) Print for Ricoh Printers

Locked (Secure) Print for Ricoh Printers

Locked print allows you to send your print jobs to the Ricoh printer queue under your ID and PIN number so your print jobs do not print until you enter your print code (PIN).  This function serves several purposes: 

1)  It keeps paper from piling up on the output trays.

2) It allows you to print secure documents without having to “Run” to the printer and get them.

3) It eliminates the need to sort through printed pages (less touch points) for your documents.

This document shows you how to set up Locked Print at either the printer level (default for all printing to that printer) or the application level (only Word or Excel, etc.).  You can also change your printing mode when you print (switch from Locked to Normal) as needed. 

Ricoh Locked Print Set-Up for Windows 10 (for the printer)

Here is the path to set up locked print for your Ricoh printer (all applications).

 (Click Start Icon) > “Type:  Print”> Click on “Printers and Scanners” > Single Click on your Ricoh Default Printer >  Click “Manage” > select Printer Preferences.

At the top you will see Job Type:  Select Locked Print and click on Details.

Enter User ID (Your Initials) and a password (4 to 8 numeric). 

Click OK, Apply, OK to complete the setup. 

 Setting up Locked Print for the Application:

You can also open up an application (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.) and set up Locked Print unique to each application (only if necessary).

Just click on File > Print from the left menu, Select Printer Properties, and modify the Job Type to your preference.

Printer Instructions:

At the Ricoh printer, select Print Jobs

Click on your user ID (Initials), then the job you want to print and enter your pin.  You can select all jobs if you have more than one job.  When you enter your pin, only your jobs will print (even if others are selected).  You can also delete the print job if you made a mistake and do not want to print it. 

This Utube video walks you through the setup process:

Cut and paste this URL into your browser.


Note:  If you have Locked Print as your default, you can modify this setting for a single print job by going into printer properties and select “Normal Print” for the print job.  It will print all jobs immediately until you exit the application at which time your preference will divert back to Locked Print.