OnBase - Finding a Document in the OnBase Web Client


Quickly locate any document in OnBase by search or keyword lookup.


Finding a Document in the OnBase Web Client


Documents in the OnBase content management system are organized by Document Type.  Document Types are grouped into Document Type Groups. Documents themselves are indexed (for retrieval) by a set of Keywords. Each Document Type has its own set of Keyword Types. Keyword Types may be shared across multiple Document Types, or be unique for a given Document Type.

Documents may be retrieved by (A) their Document Type and Keywords, or by (B) using the Full-Text Search. (Each method is described below.)

Access the OnBase Web Client by clicking on the OnBase icon on the WSLH Intranet Home Page (the Chrome browser is recommended):

IMPORTANT NOTES: OLE documents (e.g. Word docs, Excel spreadsheets) accessed from the OnBase Web Client will automatically download locally to your workstation. Any changes made to the downloaded file will not affect the document stored in OnBase. Business rule expectation is that all copies of controlled documents are deleted from your Downloads folder when finished with day-of-use application. To ensure you are using the current version of a document, return to OnBase whenever you need to access the document.

A. Document Retrieval by Document Type and Keywords Search

The Document Types you have access to will be listed (by Document Type Group) in the Document Types pane:


If you know the Document Type of the document you are looking for, select it by clicking on it.

Note: You can select more than one document by holding down the Ctrl key as you click. Alternatively, you may select all the Document types in a given Group at once by clicking the group name.

The selected Document Type(s) will display blue with a checkmark (e.g. Supporting Document_PPP):


When you select Document Type(s) in Document Retrieval, the applicable Keyword Type(s) will display:


Note: If more than one Document Type is selected, only the Keyword Types that are common among all selected Document Types will be available to search.

Most searches require at least one Keyword value be entered.

For example, to retrieve a list of all Labwide Supporting Documents use the options drop-down for the “Division” Keyword to select “LABWIDE” and then click Search.

The search results will be displayed in the Document Search Results pane:


Double-click on the document of interest.  Depending on the file type, the document with either download1 or be displayed in the OnBase Viewer below the Search Results pane.

For a document (e.g. MS Word doc) that has downloaded, the OnBase Viewer will display a link to open the document externally in its native application (e.g. MS Word).


Other documents (e.g. PDF) will be displayed directly in the OnBase Viewer. The Viewer window may be expanded to improve readability, or the document may be downloaded and opened in its native application.


To access any given document’s cross-references (e.g. a Supporting Document cross-referenced to an SOP), click on Document in the OnBase Viewer toolbar and select Cross-References.

B. Document Retrieval by Full-Text Search

You may use the Full-Text Search bar (located at the bottom of the Document Types pane, just above the blue Search button) to search across the system for documents that contain particular words or phrases.

You must first select at least one Document Type to search (if unsure, you may select all Document Types in a Group).

Tip: Click the Help icon preceding the Full-Text Search bar to toggle on and off helpful information related to constructing your Full-Text Search:



Article ID: 159697
Fri 1/5/24 11:40 AM
Thu 2/1/24 12:21 PM

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