Eudroam Wi-Fi On Mobile Devices


This KB describes how to set up Eduroam on your mobile device for use as a secure worldwide federated network access service developed for the international research and education community, including UW-Madison.


Eduroam (education roaming) is a secure worldwide federated network access service developed for the international research and education community. UW-Madison is member of eduroam, so you can use your NetID credentials at any eduroam-enabled school and get instant network connectivity. This also means visitors from participating schools can get wireless network connectivity at UW-Madison, and UW-Madison users can use it at other eduroam institutions.

Eduroam Wi-Fi is available on campus and all WSLH locations except the 2601 Agriculture Drive building.

Basically, this involves downloading and running a configuration tool specific to your device and UW-Madison account.

On the device on which Eduroam is to be configured, in a Web browser go to and expand "How do I access and set up eduroam?" Click the boxed "Eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool" (CAT). This opens a new page customized for your operating system, with a big button to Download your installer for the operating system on your PC. Click that big eduroam button. That should start an automatic download of the CAT. Go to your Downloads and open the downloaded eduroam file to start installing your Eduroam profile. Follow the instruction steps in the CAT.

If using Mac OS, also use these steps, otherwise skip to the next paragraph.

  1. A message appears to check the Privacy & Security in the Mac OS System Settings > Profiles, to install the profile.
  2. Double-click the Eduroam profile to review it. It should say Eduroam, University of Wisconsin-Madison Verified.
  3. At the bottom left of the review page click Install...
  4. On the next prompt, click Continue to install the profile (Contains the text "This profile contains certificates that will cause additional websites or services to be trusted by this Mac").

When you are in vicinity of UW Net Wi-Fi, or Wi-Fi of an Eduroam international research and education community, you can then choose to or automatically connect to eduroam in the choices of Wi-Fi SSIDs.

After Eduroam is configured and working correctly, the eduroam configuration file in Downloads can be deleted.



Article ID: 159632
Thu 12/21/23 6:23 PM
Wed 1/10/24 5:26 PM