Unlocking a Windopath account for an end users - Administrator Instructions


Unlocking end user's accounts in WindoPath for application administrators


Unlocking end user's accounts in WindoPath for application administrators

*This is for OIS staff that have Administrative account access in WindoPath for Cytology and Cytogenetics production and/or test environments.

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1. If the account is Expired. You need to confirm the account is to be expired with an existing ticket.  Or confirm the end user's account should or should not be disabled with their supervisor and or HR Staff.

  • Proceed if the account is to be active
    • Select Human Resources which opens the PersonTabWindow
    • Select the tab Users
    • Using "Find Name:" or look within the Users menu - search for the account holders userid. Search by both last name then first name if you didn't find the person with their last name. Then double click on user record found in the list shown. You will see something similar to the image above.
    • Look at "Last Log In" field. Proceed if the time corresponds to the time they last attempted to use their account. 
    • "Log In Attempts"  need to be zero, as in 0 in order to re-enable the account. Either type it in, or use the arrows.
      • Also confirm the following:
        • Max. Slides needs to be showing  -1
        • None of the following are checked: Disabled, Retired, Embed, Cut Gross. Speak to your manager/supervisor if any are selected before proceeding.
  • Select the button  Done ; and the person's window will close and you are back to the PersonTabWindow. Select "Done" again.  To close WindoPath, Ctrl+Q (of File > Quit). Yes to Really quit?
  • Update the ticket with what was accomplished. Call and confirm they were able to access their account again. If not, see if they truly closed all the windows for application.




Article ID: 157856
Tue 9/12/23 1:16 PM
Wed 1/22/25 9:29 AM