Local Profiles


We use local profiles at WSLH.

  • Your local profile is specific to your account and is created the first time you successfully log on to any specific computer.
  • Your local profile stays on that computer. It doesn’t follow you around to other computers.
  • The local profile maintains certain settings such as:
    • Display settings
    • Application Settings
    • Network connections including printers
    • What you see on your desktop
      • Any changes made by you that you see on your desktop is part of your local profile specific to that computer; some examples are any customizations of the: Start menu, Taskbar, Toolbars, web browser favorites, desktop documents and shortcuts.
      • So if you place a document (not as a desktop shortcut) on your desktop from the one of the network drives it is part of your local profile. If you update the document on your desktop, it won’t update the document on the network drive for others to view.
    • Your local profile doesn’t get backed up.
      • If the workstation/pc hard drive fails or if the workstation gets replaced or upgraded your profile stays on the original PC.



Article ID: 117750
Tue 10/6/20 4:15 PM
Tue 2/7/23 4:47 PM